Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Learner Management System Technologies Used in E-Learning - 1375 Words

Learner Management System Technologies Used in E-Learning or Training (Essay Sample) Content: Learner Management System Technologies Used in E-learning or TrainingStudents name:Instructors name:Institution:Course:Date:Technologies Used in E-learning or TrainingIn the modern world, virtual learning has gained popularity all over the world in instructions of higher education and training in multinational companies. E-learning is a system of virtual learning where electronic means is the medium of learning. E-learning mode of learning and training employs a couple of techniques; some are explicitly designed for the platform while others are complementary in facilitating the process of learning of the students and employees in a firm. The mode of learning and training depends so much on media of communication and technologies and applications that enable E-learning. For instance: applications that enhance a blackboard on a students video conferencing device allowing them and their peers to amend peer works for reviews; screen-sharing features enabling students to share a common window without necessarily being at the same location. E-learning uses to a great extent database and Learner Management System (LMS) technologies (Gaskell, 2009). LMS and database technologies work together in storing the coursework materials, testing and recording of results. LMS facilitates automation of lots of processes linked to training and learning. When one thinks of E-learning, LMS is the technology to facilitate it. This paper aims at expounding on the LMS technologies and how it facilitates E-learning and training, it also sheds light on the hardware and software utilized in LMS and finally, the paper discusses the strengths and weaknesses of LMS technology (Gaskell, 2009).A complete LMS will regularly deliver reporting techniques to create and store growth reports. Learning management system is a host-based or cloud-based software database. It comprises of information of operators, programs, and ideas. A learning management system offers a platform to stu dy and teach without relying on the period and scope boundaries (Ardila Ruiz, 2015). Learning management systems are also known as Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), Personal Learning Environment (PLE) and e-learning courseware. A learning management system is used in education institutions as well as with several businesses. An informative LMS is aimed to deliver lecturer led programs which comprise of two network interfaces between students and lecturers and also between students and other students. The LMS is utilized by the business as well, that have discrete roles and structures from the Learning LMS. This LMS is expected to possess the following characteristics: Record-keeping and Admission options to instructors and students; increasing/Removing Courses by the University/Learning Organizations; Set the different Operator duty and operator account; Upload and Recover Project and Resources; Forum module. LMS is operated by people like students, lecturers, and managers. LMS can also be used by someone interested in administering the virtual courses and who requires to reserve and reclaim the students reports (Ardila Ruiz, 2015).Executing or substituting an LMS can effect to significant disruptions inside the company and material expenses of period and cash. Though controlling the profit on asset inside the learning surroundings can be tasking, you need to consider the costs of establishing in an LMS. These expenses could be associated to those of managerial systems applied by your economics, workforce, payroll, and acquiring departments. Following such a comparison the obtaining cost, contract, and providing practical support for the LMS may not seem so questionable. Once the system is installed, it turns to be a mission-critical system that lecturers and learners will rely on 24/7 (Zhao Bitchener, 2007). That means, it becomes the most critical software at the organization. You must also question, "What is the cost to the organization if this invest ment is not made?" For instance, fewer learners might join, or graduates might lessen their contributions if they think the team is not being innovative and competitive. When choosing an LMS, you need to cautiously scrutinize both the long and short-term impact of its execution.For LMS technology to function appropriately, certain hardware and software are necessary. One of the essential equipment is a personal computer preferred a Celeron 11processor and beyond. The computer has to have a monitor of above 15inches so as to support most LMS platforms like module, blackboard, etc. A second device that would be necessary to embrace LMS effectively is a smartphone or a tablet. A smartphone or a tablet allows an e-learning student to receive: instant messages, emails and communicating through social media. The devices can also be used to receive podcast and snapshots of learning materials from instructors (Zhao Bitchener, 2007). Another hardware device that is necessary for e-learning is a headset. This is vital as students can chat and video calls via applications like Skype allowing recording of audio files for future reference and training. A printer and a scanner are also very essential in the implementation of LMS. Students could obtain soft copies of the learning materials from the library and lectures and use a printer to make paper useful to the learner. On the other hand, a student can use a scanner for scanning documents to be sent to the instructor through emails.Software is a crucial component of an effective LMS. One of the basic software a learner needs is an operating system. An e-learning student personal computer should be installed with latest windows that are compatible with the system, and for Mac, they should be fitted with system 8.1 and beyond. Another software application that is of an essence to a distant learning system is an email address. In most cases students have personal emails obtained via Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. or even they can set up a school based emails to facilitate uploading and downloading learning materials. Microsoft office is also critical software in LMS. The components are the Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and access. Most students will use Microsoft Word to process Word documents, Excel for spreadsheets and data analysis, PowerPoint for a slide presentation (Open learning and e†learning, 2007).Despite LMS technology being used extensively in an institution of higher learning, multinational companies are currently embracing the use of LMS for continuous training of their staff without the worry of geographical limitation. Now, teaching is measured as an instrument for employee custody. The price accrued on teaching a single person in a firm is regenerated if the employee develops his skills and increases productivity (Open learning and e†learning, 2007). Teaching has now drawn up to be vital in every field for example sales, advertising, staffing, administration, manufacturing, creati on, engineering, record management, etc. Indian firms achieve their necessity of skilled staff by offering on-job training and additional internal learning programs which are intended to drastically increase the proficiency of new employees, particularly in the advanced businesses. There are diverse types of training approaches used by instructors in organizations. The designer ...

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